Interns for documentary team filming Singapore’s wildlife (1 – 3 months)

Claire Clements from Beach House Pictures who made Wild City is looking for a couple of interns for their latest wildlife documentary filmed here in Singapore about Singapore’s wildlife. She says,

Beach House Pictures is offering a paid internship (1 – 3 months) working on our latest wildlife documentaries!

This is a great opportunity for young nature lovers to get involved, have input and get some great experience in a very niche industry.

Please note if you are studying and cannot commit to full time but would like to be involved we could potentially hire you as a part term intern. This is a unique opportunity to join a small team following Singapore’s wildlife.

The ideal candidate will want to gain experience in working in the field – duties will include:

  • helping to track wild animals,
  • assist with carrying equipment,
  • assist with planning of shoots
  • potential camera experience depending on skill levels,
  • some office duties such as research and planning.

There are potential of night shoots, over night camping shoots, early starts. You will likely be seeing parts of Singapore that most people don’t!
This is a role where hard work and enthusiasm will be rewarded with increased opportunities and responsibilities and you will really get a chance to be part of the team.
You don’t necessarily need any prior experience but preference will be given to people with a experience/enthusiasm for wildlife and TV documentary.
Must be based in Singapore. Start date immediately.

Please contact the Production Manager at with a CV and cover letter.

Wed 05 Aug 2015: 2.00pm @ NUS DBS CR2 – Helen Nash on the “Ecology, genetics and conservation of pangolins”

Qualifying Examination
Department of Biological Sciences
National University of Singapore

“Ecology, genetics and conservation of pangolins”
Helen Nash
Graduate Student, NUS Biological Sciences

Wed 05 Aug 2015: 2.00pm
@ Conference Room-II (S1 Level 3, mezzanine)

Supervisor: Assoc Prof Evans, Theodore Alfred


Mammal species in East and SE Asia are at the highest risk of extinction for mammals anywhere in the world. Of this select group, the ant and termite eating scaly pangolins (Family Pholidota) are particularly threatened. Pangolin populations are in severe decline in part due to habitat loss and deterioration; however, a greater threat is increasing hunting. Pangolins are hunted for the illegal international trade of pangolin skins and scales for traditional medicine, and their meat constitutes a high-status delicacy in many regions. While pangolins are protected by international and local laws, these have been poorly enforced and are thus largely ineffective for conservation. Sadly, pangolins are now the most heavily trafficked animal in illegal wildlife trade globally.

Illegal wildlife trade networks are poorly understood, and the origin of seized pangolins and pangolin products is difficult to determine due to the large range sizes of most pangolin species. Conservation action and management plans are urgently required for all pangolin species. Unfortunately, little is known about their basic biology, ecology and threats, which is essential to formulate such plans.

My doctoral research project aims to collect data necessary to strengthen the evidence-base for informing robust conservation action and management plans for Asian pangolins. Specifically, I aim to (1) investigate status and threats of Chinese pangolin (Manis pentadactyla) in Hainan, South China, using local ecological knowledge (2) investigate genetic population structure of Sunda pangolin (Manis javanica), and compare DNA of accurately georeferenced pangolin specimens with samples seized from illegal wildlife trade of unknown origin, in order to test and enhance forensic genetic techniques for pangolins, (3) investigate dispersal movement, home range and habitat selection of Sunda pangolin in Singapore, and (4) work with varied local and international stakeholders, such as the Singapore Pangolin Working Group, to reflectively evaluate conservation projects for Sunda pangolin.

Neo Mei Lin, marine biologist, featured on Women’s Weekly

Neo Mei Lin says,

“I am honoured to be nominated by The Singapore Women’s Weekly for this award, and had a chance to see what’s like behind the scenes of fashion, makeup and glam. I couldn’t ask for more as I already feel like a winner!

I hope my interview reaches out to a different audience, and for them to see what’s like to be a marine biologist and environmentalist.”

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Courtesy of The Singapore Women’s Weekly, August 2015.

In a similar vein, see:

  • “Marcus Chua (Systematics and Ecology Lab) in Her World magazine.” Aug 2012 link
  • “Women who make microscopes look sexy.” March 2008 link

Job for biology graduates: biologist at PUB (by 28 Jul 2015)

Otterman speaks...

— beg —
Apply at webpage:

Agency: PUB , The National Water Agency
Job no: 498166
Work type: Permanent/Contract
Location: Singapore
Categories: Sciences (e.g. life sciences, bio-technology etc.)


As a biologist in PUB, you will be involved in the following:

  • Working with a team to resolve and propose solutions for chironomid challenges faced at the reservoirs . You will learn to identify the different nuisance and potential nuisance chironomid species (adults). You will also work on improving chironomid monitoring and monitoring methods in the reservoirs.
  • Working with another division to provide advice on larvae monitoring, BTI dosing and fogging operations.
  • Investigating and reviewing fish-kills issues at the reservoirs or waterways.
  • Working closely with external parties on aquatic ecology and biodiversity related research projects in the reservoirs. Thereafter you will assist to implement the findings of the project on the ground.


  • Degree in biology or life science equivalent

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