Part-time TAs recognised at the Faculty of Science Award Ceremony 2010

The Part-Time Teaching Assistants (PTTAs) play a critical role in undergraduate education. Biodiversity and ecology classes are usually broken down during laboratory and field practical sessions into small groups led by PTTAs in ratios ranging from 1:10 to 1:13. The TAs engage students in content and discussion, may instruct students in writing and oral skills as well and along the way share with students their research experience and expose them to wider issues. These small group sessions constitutes the largest amount of face to face academic interaction which most undergraduates will experience during their time in NUS.

So we are pleased when PTTAs are recognised for their teaching efforts. With two away in the field, four of our Biodiversity Crew (photos below) marched up to receive their awards from the Dean of Science, Prof Andrew Wee, at the Faculty Awards Ceremony on 18th November 2010.

We extend our heartiest congratulations to these biodiversity TAs who were recognised for their excellent performance in part-time teaching. They were amongst the twenty-two in the faculty who were similarly recognised for the academic year 2009/2010.

Biodiversity Crew winners of the Teaching Assistant (Part-time) Award, AY2009/2010

  1. Chua Aik Hwee, Marcus
  2. Kwik Teik Beng, Jeffrey
  3. Kwong Shiyang
  4. Ng Yi Hui, Eunice
  5. Jacob Wesley Phelps
  6. Tan Siew Hoong, Denise

The other biodiversity crew award winners were listed on Raffles Museum News earlier.

Faculty of Science Awards 2010 - Eunice Ng
Eunice Ng

Faculty of Science Awards 2010 - Denise Tan
Denise Tan

Faculty of Science Awards 2010 - Kwong Shiyang
Kwong Shiyang

Jacob Phelps

Thanks to Faculty of Science for the photos by Tan Kai Seng, Leong Siew Loon and James Wee.

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